Rahmat Sulaiman(1), Raden Burham Isnanto Farid(2*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The development of information and communication technologies have a positive impact in the form of convenience in terms of providing the required information. Companies need to implement these information systems in their activities to win the competition. The main task of an educational institution is tehadap society services so that the public is interested and attracted to the institution. This education institution named Institute for Computer Education (LPK) Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang, located in Masjid Jamik Street No. 54 - Pangkalpinang - Bangka Belitung.

This research is using several tools in its manufacture. Tools used to perform analysis and design is Object Oriented. Meanwhile, the programming language used to design the system is Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 by using Microsoft Access 2007 as the database engine and the application Crystal Report as a design report.

Therefore, this project of system information in a computer database so that the data and scheduling documents can be organized better with the use of highly efficient and could be developed so that it can be integrated and be taken advantage of the system development carried out by the human resources in the Institute of Computer Education, documentation will be easier if the data are required as a further reference. In addition to designing an application, Academic Information System can also assist in search and document printing reports against the data of existing courses.


Application of information system, LPK, Penjadwalan, Lembaga Pendidikan Komputer.

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Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang