Perancangan Aplikasi Pengukuran Kualitas Spring Bed Pada PT. Cahaya Bintang Selatan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Tahani


  • Kiki Soraya
  • Helmi Kurniawan
  • Fithry Tahel


Quality is one of the comparisons that consumers use to choose goods to buy or produce. Measurement of quality to determine the quality of high value goods and have a good quality at PT.Cahaya Bintang Selatan is very helpful to customers and companies to know the quality of the best spring bed that has been diprodkusi by PT.Cahaya Bintang Selatan and Factors that influence the quality of spring bed in using raw material. This research is used to measure the quality of spring bed that has been produced by PT.Cahaya Bintang Selatan by using fuzzy tahani method is an alternative way of thinking to measure the quality of spring bed as the process of searching the exact and accurate data .. Fuzyy tahani is one branch of logic fuzzy using a standard database Tahani describes a fuzzy query processing method, based on the manipulation of a language known as SQL (Structured Query Language) so that fuzzy tahani is very appropriate to use, Fuzzy tahani consists of two functions namely fuzzy set theory and membership function. The results showed that the quality of spring bed from PT.Cahaya Bintang Selatan varies according to its raw material and price, it can mean that customers feel a little confused while choosing the best quality springbed.This shows that PT.Cahaya Bintang Selatan should improve the quality supply system spring bed by making simple aplilkasi, so customers can easily choose the best quality of spring bed or in accordance with their finances.


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