Pengujian QoS Pada Implementasi SDN Berbasis Mininet dan OpenDaylight Menggunakan Topologi Tree




Computer network, Mininet, OpenDaylight, Software Defined Network (SDN), Quality of Service (QoS)


The development of information technology and computer network from time to time is increasing along with the increase in user needs for both from the business, education, industrial, to data security side. Data of network traffic that is getting denser in communication and data exchange between users on computer networks can become a problem when using conventional computer network technology. For that, it needs a new technology that is implemented in computer networks, along with the measurement of Quality of Service (QoS) in it. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a solution for this, where the stages of network design, management and implementation, separate the data plane and the control plane. In this research, the implementation of SDN was carried out in the form of a simulation using both of Mininet and OpenDaylight with a Tree Topology, then the QoS measurements were carried out in it. The results of testing and measuring QoS on SDN simulations with Tree topology using Mininet and OpenDaylight, showed a Jitter value of 0.425 ms, a Packet Loss value of 0.266%, a Bandwith value of 9.3925 Mbps, a UDP Throughput value of 2.348 bits/sec, and a TCPThroughput value of 2.335 bits/sec.

Author Biography

I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, Udayana University

Departement of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering


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