Aplikasi Antrian Pasien Pada Dokter Praktek Umum Menggunakan Metode FIFO (First In First Out) Berbasis Android
Queue Application, First In First Out, AndroidAbstract
Currently, there are so many services in Indonesia. One of the services in the health sector is the practice of general practitioners. Services that occur at the practice of general practitioners, namely dr. Zaki Mubarak and dr. Subhan Habibi, located in Palu, often has complaints because it is still ineffective where getting these services is still done manually by means of patients coming in person and taking a queue based on the order of seats then one by one they will be served. This causes patient discomfort in waiting. To make it easier for patients who want to seek treatment, a system is needed, with this; an Android-based patient queuing application for general practice doctors was made. The application of the method used in building the system is the FIFO queuing method where patients who register earlier get medical services first. Then the average waiting time is calculated where the results obtained will be used as an estimate of the waiting time for the next patient. The application development method in this research used the prototype method and application testing uses the black box testing method. The results of this research are the application of patient queues for general practice doctors based on Android which is built to be able to take queues anywhere and anytime and obtain some information including doctor’s practice schedules, queue numbers, running queues, and estimated waiting times so that patients can estimate arrival time without having to wait long. Based on system testing with black box, the results show that the functional system is running well. Based on the average waiting time calculation, from the 60 queue data tested, the result is that the distance between queue 1 and the order is around 5 minutes.References
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