Investment activity has become a more popular today for the people from all walks of life, hence the research to comprehend the best decision in investing is still a hot topic of interest for researchers, one of the best considerations for investors is to invest in companies and banks indexed LQ45, but what variables will actually affect level of profit for this LQ45 indexed group. This research was performed to evaluate the influence of growth, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Central Bank Interest Rate (BI Rate), inflation and exchange rate toward the profitability of companies and banks indexing of LQ 45. Methodology research used to pick samples was purposive sampling method. Data analysis with multiplier regression of fixed effect data panel models. The results obtained show empirical evidence of analysis as growth has a positive influence toward the companies and banks profitability indexing of LQ 45, exchange rate have a negative influence toward the company and bank profitability indexing of LQ 45, while GDP, BI Rate, and inflation do not influence toward the companies and banks profitability indexing of LQ 45.Referensi
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