MSME and informal sector are business sectors that have proven to have a strategic or important role in overcoming the impact of the crisis from the Covid 19 pandemic. The MSME sector has various strategic roles, but this sector is faced with various problems. Problems include aspects of capital, business management capabilities, and the quality of managing human resources. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the MSME innovation system in the food sector in the city of Bogor using a dynamic systems perspective which consists of five stages of analysis, namely: Problem Recognition; Problem Understanding and system; Qualitative Analysis; Simulation Modeling; and Policy Testing and Design. Based on the results of the study, it is known that functional and institutional factors make MSME in the food sector in the city of Bogor experience obstacles in developing innovation. Functional factors associated with financial problems. Financial factors are very important in order to develop MSME business innovation, especially related to product innovation. These financial limitations make MSMEs in Bogor City face two main problems in the financial aspect, namely: long-term capital and finance for investment which is indispensable for long-term output growth. Particularly during the crisis, many small and medium enterprises centers experienced difficulties in obtaining raw materials or other inputs because the rupiah price became very expensive due to the depreciation of the exchange rate against the US dollar.Referensi
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Sistem Informasi Terpadu Pengembangan Usaha Kecil (Si - Puk)