Text Mining Untuk Analisis Sentimen Pelanggan Terhadap Layanan Uang Elektronik Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine
Classification, Electronic Money, Kernel, Sentiment Analysis, Support Vector MachineAbstract
Electronic money is a cashless payment instrument whose money is stored in media server or chip that can be moved for the benefit of payment transactions or fund transfers. In Indonesia, there are already many electronic money products, one of which is OVO. OVO is very popular with the people of Indonesia because it offers many promos such as discounts and cashback. But over time, that much promotion is detrimental to OVO shareholders, so the portion of promo given by OVO to its customers is finally reduced. That incident caused many pros and cons opinions about OVO, one of them is on social media Twitter. Sentiment analysis can be used as a solution to process the opinions of OVO customers on Twitter. This study aims to classify the customer opinions on OVO services into positive and negative classes. This study uses the Support Vector Machine algorithm with 3852 data taken from Twitter with keyword @ovo_id using web scraping techniques. The dataset divided into two classes, 2034 positive and 1818 negative sentiment data. The classification process is carried out with four splitting data scenarios, with 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, 90:10 data ratio and with four kernel such as linear, rbf, sigomid, and polynomial. The final results show that the greatest accuracy value obtained by linear kernel with 90:10 data ratio which gets an accuracy value of 98.7%.References
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