The Development of Website on Management Information System for E-commerce and Services
E-commerce, Management Information System, Service, Waterfall, WebsiteAbstract
Currently, the sales system is overgrowing. The concept of selling that was done manually (which is still less than optimal) becomes electronic (e-commerce). System development requires a digital platform. This platform must be able to carry out all activities that were carried out before (manually), such as collecting documents, recording transactions, and reporting. Besides, the e-commerce platform can provide support and increased performance in the sales process, both in checking stock items, transaction reports, and services. Besides, this optimization can provide services precisely and quickly to consumers. A management information system concept is needed to carry out e-commerce and services with integrated data and be stored in its development database. This prototype concept requires a method for website development. The method used is a waterfall. Website design uses the Hypertext PreProcessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL database. The design model uses two concepts: entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) and data flow diagrams (DFD). The result is a website and e-commerce services that can be accepted by users and e-commerce organizers with tests that have been carried out. System testing uses Blackbox and Whitebox testing, each of which results can be used to implement e-commerce sites and services. The website can assist officers in service and e-commerce and make it easier for officers to determine the target and service status.References
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