Sentiment Analysis of Society Towards the Child-free Phenomenon (Life Without Children) on Twitter Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm
Childfree, Naïve Bayes, Analisis Sentimen, Twitter,Abstract
The difference in societal perspective regarding personal well-being and understanding life choices is genuinely diverse. Lately, there is a prevalent thought where individuals believe that personal well-being can be achieved by choosing to live without children. Most of them prefer to prioritize their careers, education, or other activities that they believe can bring greater happiness and well-being to their lives. This topic has become a frequently discussed subject in almost every region of Indonesia, especially in urban areas. Not only facing negative stigma, the choice to live a life without children in Indonesia also carries positive connotations. Views on child-free in Indonesia are highly diverse, considering the many differences in social environments and each individual’s personal experiences. In this research, the Naïve Bayes algorithm is used as a sentiment classifier in the form of textual data collected through Twitter using the Rapid Miner. The data collection period spanned from May 3rd to May 10th, 2023. The research aims to analyze and present data regarding public sentiment towards the child-free phenomenon in Indonesia. The results of this research reveal the presence of 320 positive sentiments and 180 negative sentiments, with the accuracy value of the Naïve Bayes algorithm in conducting sentiment analysis on the child-free phenomenon reached 95.00%.References
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