Sentiment Analysis of Google Play Store User Reviews on Digital Population Identity App Using K-Nearest Neighbors

Rudi Kurniawan(1*), Harma Oktafia Lingga Wijaya(2), Rani Purnama Aprisusanti(3)

(1) Department of Computer System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Universitas Bina Insan Lubuklinggau
(2) Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering Science, Universitas Bina Insan Lubuklinggau
(3) Department of Information System, Faculty of Engineering Science, Universitas Bina Insan Lubuklinggau
(*) Corresponding Author


The Digital Population Identity Application provides convenience for users to access and manage their population data digitally. Based on the increasing usage of the Digital Population Identity Application on the Google Play Store, various user reviews of the application have emerged. Therefore, sentiment analysis is needed to provide a deeper understanding of user perceptions and to classify user reviews of the Digital Population Identity Application. Sentiment analysis is a computational study of opinions, feelings, and emotions expressed in text, using the K-Nearest Neighbors method, which is a classification method based on the closest distance or similarity to objects in the training data. Using 5000 relevant review data from September 2022 to December 2023, after labeling them into positive, negative, and neutral sentiment classes, the results show 3581 negative sentiments, 1031 positive sentiments, and 388 neutral sentiments. Testing was conducted by applying the K-Nearest Neighbors method in the classification stage, testing this method by varying K values from 1 to 10. The best results were obtained with a training data ratio of 90% to testing data ratio of 10%. The best results were achieved at K values of 8, 9, and 10, with an accuracy of 81%, precision of 82%, recall of 95%, and an F1-Score of 88%. With a training data ratio of 70% to testing data ratio of 30%, the best results were obtained at K values of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, with an accuracy of 80%, precision of 81%, recall of 95%, and an F1-Score of 88%. Based on the results of this research, the K-Nearest Neighbors method can be used for sentiment classification of user reviews with good results.


Sentiment Analysis; Digital Population Identity; K-Nearest Neighbors

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